
Job Seekers

We have a wide variety of opportunities for practitioners, specialists, and experienced job seekers. The jobs we offer are as varied and individual as you are.

Job opportunities at

International Experience


You have already achieved your first successes in your professional life. And now? You’re looking for a new challenge. Preferably around the globe? Then become one of our Value Creators. As a result of our internal management programs, talented individuals are identified at an early stage. They are then prepared for the relevant positions by means of appropriate seminars with a strong international focus, and short and long-term assignments. The aim is to fill 70% of our key positions and management vacancies internally – which creates a great opportunity for you to develop internationally. Have we piqued your interest? Click here for our vacancies.

Possible areas of Deployment
Project Management, Development, Production, Sales, IT, Finance & Controlling

thumbnail_81edd7f5a4894158ab1b4fee758bc574 Arnaud Nangue Business Director TimberWork, North America
“I would describe my start at SFS as a success: We spoke to each other as equals right from the start. They made me feel welcome and that this was the right place for me. Back then, I was looking for an employer that was both deeply rooted and had a global reach. SFS offers the ideal platform in this regard: I was able to develop myself and my skills, and demonstrate my ability in an international setting. I am currently managing a product line in the USA, which is a great and exciting challenge.”

Create Value with Us

You’re at the heart of what we do. Your talent makes you our Value Creator. We support you and promote your strengths and interests. With us, you benefit from attractive development opportunities. We give you the opportunity to unleash your individual potential and personally make an impact. This brings added value for you – and for everyone. This drives forward innovative ideas in our teams. Let’s make progress together!

Job Seekers


Looking to develop further with a clear goal in mind? Convinced that our culture is a good fit for you and have found the right vacancy? If so, please do not hesitate to apply, even if you do not yet meet all the necessary requirements. We look forward to meeting you.

Possible areas of deployment
Project Management, Development, Production, Sales, IT, Finance & Controlling

Juerg_Herter Juerg Herter Manager Tool & Die in Medina, OH
“I've learned over the last 32 years at SFS to have a positive attitude, a willingness to learn new things and gratitude for a work environment where I've been able to grow and excel at my profession!”